Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Since my spectacular fall from grace the weekend before last, it's been pretty blech-tastic. I still can't believe I couldn't make it two more weekends. Even the arrival of some new clothes, part of my recent shopping spree, didn't manage to cheer me up today. Instead, it highlighted my weight. Maybe I had in fact been losing some pounds in those two weeks. Still, can't deny the glow of new clothes. Kind of.

I also didn't manage to clean the apartment this past weekend even, and couldn't drag myself to the grocery store today or yesterday. I felt so icky yesterday morning, that I just worked from home.

The avoidance from sugar had brought over me a certain calm that took a few months to reach. Having disturbed that with even one cheat day has invited back tiny sugar-inspired tantrums that, while aren't the end of the world, were nicely a thing of the past. Gotta hop back on that wagon.

I did have a blood pressure check this morning, though, and the employee said it was good, and lower than before. Granted, she barely spoke a lick of English, and, I believe, may have used the cuff that's too small for my arm.

Barbara, a member of my team, retired today. I had thought I might be in tears by the end of the day, but managed okay. We're taking her out for dinner next month, and I'm sure I'll sporadically keep in touch. She was truly sweet, and will be missed.

I must remind myself despite feeling sub-par that things are going well. My debt is being managed, no other great calamities are befalling me or hovering just among the outskirts. I know I still have my bday (that I hope doesn't fall through) this year if nothing else, so just gotta breathe.

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