Monday, November 20, 2017

Shake it off or drink it off?

I was a good boy this past week... Worked out thrice, cleaned and smudged the apartment, ironed my clothes for the week, though I did regrettably miss church for the second week in a row. Was just too busted up. I'm not quite sure what will shake this feeling like there is some impending doom coming my way except to just wait it out. If my friend Heather, who was a manager in my department, hadn't been axed last year, I might feel a little more secure, but it's just enough to have me feeling like I'm on shaky ground.

We're in the lovely part of the year where it's lots of holidays, cold weather, and plenty of time off. This is a three-day week, and I'm taking off Monday for good measure. I plan to take my staff to Osha for a staff appreciation lunch in December. And it'll be off to SD in a month's time. Just sixteen days of work to get through.

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