Saturday, September 6, 2014

Ovah it

I need only look at the number of Uber charges to my credit card for the past two months to realize that they've been fairly stressful. Last week, I actually had a repeat driver who remembered taking me to work before, if that tells you anything.

It's the busy time of year, so it's to be expected, but it's still been rough. I sleep in late on workdays and end up having to catch an Uber into work so I'm not (too) late. Sometimes I even take one home. And with the exhaustion and migraine at the end of the day, I've been skipping the gym, sometimes going as little as once a week down from four times. This contributes to a cycle of me not getting tired enough from the gym to have deep REM sleep so I'm refreshed the next day and full of a sunshiney sheen of endorphins on the weekend.

Plus, of course, it means I'm getting fatter, too.

Although on that front, I've substituted one of my meals during the day with a big salad topped with veggie chicken nuggets. So hopefully, once I'm back on track, I'll see some results, so help me God.

They say people are happiest in the time leading up to a vacation, so I always like to have something planned even if it's months away. I'm visiting Dr. 90210 in November which will be a nice plus and a quaint little vacay away from work. And for Christmas, I'm planning to go down to SD along with my grandma and my sister and her family to spend the holiday with my baby sister and her new baby who is due in December. I'm going to put everyone up in a hotel, so while we'll be together, I'll still have some level of personal time and space. I haven't been back since 2008. With any luck, my high school homo buddies VPA and Aaron will be in town as well. It has been well over ten years since the three of us have all been in our hometown together at the same time.

This, too, is a hallmark of getting older--when you start measuring shit in increments of decades. Jesus H., Martha.